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Organic Darjeeling (25 Sachets)


Hampstead Tea Organic Darjeeling (25 Sachets) Mellow award winning single estate tea. 25 Tea Sachets. Described as "Darjeeling with a spirit " customers confess they have never tasted such a clean, satisfying and wonderfully alive tea". Hampstead organic Darjeeling has a fine elegant flavour makes it well suited to today's descerning tea drinkers. Brimming with polyphenols, Hampstead Darjeeling tea has antioxidant and health proctecting properties. It is grown in Makaibari, the first biodynamic tea estate in the world. Situated at 3000-4000 feet high up in the Himalayas. The darjeeling estate is protected on all sides by lush virgin forests and is home and livelihood to a community of 1700 people, a family of panthers and richly diverse wildlife.

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